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Products 1-12 of 15
Bird CalData_50
Price: $60.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-CalData -

Certificate of Compliance and Calibration (CALDATA_50) Available by special order, this document is created during the production of the product. Caldata can be obtained by special order only along with the product that is being ordered.Price my vary depending on the product that is being ordered. ...

Bird 43 Thruline RF Wattmeter (New)  - IN STOCK Bird 43 Thruline RF Wattmeter
Retail: $717.00
Price: $599.95
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-43 -

Bird Model 43 Thruline(c) Wattmeter (New) Accuracy +/-5% fs in Avg ModeFrequency Range 450 kHz to 2.7 GHz (range elements are sold separately)Power Range 100 mW to 10 kW (range elements are sold separately)Frequency & power range determined by optional plug-in elements (Elements Not Included)Quick Change QC Connectors, Type N(F) Standard or UHF, BNC, 7/16 DIN The Bird Model 43 is the industry standard for power measurements with a wide selection of elements available to cover a wide choice of...

Bird 43P PEP Thruline RF Wattmeter - IN STOCK Bird 43P Wattmeter
Retail: $932.00
Price: $799.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-43P -

Bird Model 43P Thruline RF Wattmeter w/Bird 4300-400 PEP Module Installed TDMA CDMA DMR PEP PEAK CW SSB Pulse Burst450 KHz to 2.7 GHz, 100 mW to 10 kW Peak/Avg Power

Bird 4304A Broadband 25-1000 MHz Thruline RF Wattmeter 5-500W - IN STOCK Bird 4304A Wattmeter
Retail: $1,416.00
Price: $1,229.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4304A -

Bird Model 4304A Multi-Range Thruline© RF WattmeterNo Elements to Buy!  Includes Broadband ElementBroadband 25-1000 MHz, Multi-Range Power 5-500 Watts

Bird 4304A Broadband 25-1000 MHz Thruline RF Wattmeter 5-500W w/Case - IN STOCK  Bird 4304A Wattmeter
Retail: $1,616.00
Price: $1,325.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4304A-CC -

Bird Model 4304A Multi-Range Thruline© RF WattmeterNo Elements to Buy!  Includes Broadband ElementBroadband 25-1000 MHz, Multi-Range Power 5-500 Watts

Bird 43P Thruline RF Wattmeter Kit (TDMA CDMA) - Includes 43P Meter w/Pelican Style Case - IN STOCK Bird 43P Wattmeter Kit
Retail: $1,032.00
Price: $929.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-43P-CC6 -

Bird Model 43(P) Thruline RF Wattmeter PEP/Avg/TDMA/CDMA/Pulse

Bird 43 Thruline RF Wattmeter Kit w/ 100W Bird RF Load - IN STOCK Bird 43 Thruline RF Wattmeter
Retail: $1,194.00
Price: $1,049.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 1040-98 -

Bird Model 43 Thruline RF Wattmeter Kit 450 KHz to 2.7 GHz, 100 mW to 10 kW Range Elements Not Included - Sold Separately This Bird 43 Wattmeter Kit Includes: Bird 43 (Optional 43(P)) RF Wattmeter Bird 100-ST-MN 100W RF Load DC-3GHz 2' Test Cable N(M)-N(M) Bird 4300-061 Style Economy Case Laminated VSWR Nomograph Chart

Bird 4314C Peak/Burst/Pulse/Avg Read Wattmeter TDMA CDMA DMR IN STOCK Bird 4314B 4314C 4314A Wattmeter
Retail: $2,074.00
Price: $1,970.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4314C -

Bird 4314B & 4314C Peak Read Wattmeter (New)PEP CW AM FM Pulse Burst AvgFront Panel Switch and LED

Bird 4431 Thruline RF Wattmeter w/Variable RF Sample Port Bird 4431 Wattmeter
Retail: $1,680.00
Price: $1,596.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4431 -

Bird Model 43 Thruline RF Wattmeterw/ Variable RF Sampler Tap (BNC)

Bird RF Power Analyst 4391A PEP/Avg VSWR Dual Socket - IN STOCK Bird 4391A RF Power Analyst
Retail: $2,914.00
Price: $2,649.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4391A -

Digital Display RF Power MeterBird 4391A RF Power Analyst

Bird 43P Wattmeter Kit TDMA CDMA DMR Thruline RF Wattmeter w/ Peak/Avg Kit - IN STOCK Bird 43P Wattmeter Kit
Retail: $1,296.00
Price: $999.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 1050 -

Bird Model 43P)Thruline Wattmeter Kit w/PEP Module Peak/Average Power 4300-400 PEP Module Installed and Calibrated50W RF Load DC-2.5GHz IncludedSelect Connector type belowIncludes CC-6 Pelican Style CaseIncludes 24" N(M) Test CableAccuracy +/-5% fs (average mode)Frequency Range 450 kHz to 2.7 GHz (Elements are Not Included)Power Range 100 mW to 10 kW (Elements are Not Included)Frequency & power range determined by optional plug-in elements Quick Change QC Connectors Type N(F) Standard, BNC or...