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Bird 7/8" Line Section 4230-018 4230-018
Price: $282.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 6643 -

4230-018 is a 7/8" 50 Ohm, Line Section designed for insertion between a RF transmitter and antenna or RF load. The line is equipped with one socket where the user inserts a plug-in element to measure forward and reflected power. Select from a wide variety of Bird® Plug-In Elements for the desired power rating and frequency range. ...

Bird RPK2080-002 OEM USA Model 43 & 43P Replacement Meter Bird RPK2080-002
Price: $196.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 6975 -

OEM Meter Replacement 30ua for the Bird 43 & 43P Thruline Wattmeters.

Bird 4300-400 PEP OEM USA PEP SSB Peak Module Bird 4300-400 Peak Module
Price: $314.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 1065 -

4300-400, Modification Kit Peak Power Reading The Bird Model 4300-400 modification kit is designed for easy installation in any Bird Model 43 Wattmeter to convert the instrument to read peak power in AM, SSB, and certain limited pulse applications. Installation of the kit does not affect the model 43’s ability to read CW power (no amplitude modulation). No special elements are required for peak power measurements. However, element power ratings must match the peak power to be read. For...

Bird RPK2120-015 4304A Replacement Meter Bird RPK2120-015
Price: $279.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 3585 -

New Replacement Meter For Model 4304A Wattmeter

Repair Service Bird 43 Wattmeters - Fast Turn Around Bird 43 Wattmeter Repair Service
Price: $95.00
Availability: In Stock
Martin RF Supply Item #: 9998SVC -

Bird 43 Series Wattmeter Repairs Add this item to your cart and then checkout and print a copy of the invoice.  Send the product to us along with a copy of this repair order and a note about the problems being experienced with the wattmeter. Minimum Repairs are $95 Plus Parts & Shipping - We fully test repaired meters and warranty the repairs for six months. Return shipping will be added to this repair order based on your postal code. This is the cost of returning the meter to...

Coaxial Dynamics 7610 Field Strength Element (Bird 4030 Style) Bird 4030 Field Strength Element
Retail: $229.00
Price: $175.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 7485 -

Measures Relative Field Strength with your wattmeter. Similar to the obsoleted Bird 4030 FS element. This sensor does not have an amplifier, it is a passive device for relatively larger signals.

Bird 43 Blank Dummy Dust Plug Element bird 43 blank dummy dust plug RPK3610-031
Price: $8.99
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 1055 -

Protective Dummy Plug for Bird 43Also for Coaxial Dynamics MetersSimilar to Bird RPK3610-031

Bird 4381-050 - 4391A Calibration Element (used) Bird 4381-050 Calibration Element
Retail: $650.00
Price: $375.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 3820 -

Calibration Element for Bird 4381/4391 Power Analyst Meters, similar in appearance to the standard elements. A BNC input on top is used to calibrate the 4391A wattmeter. Used, 30 Day Warranty.

Bird 4381-050 -4391A Calibration Element (Used) Bird 4381-050 Calibration Element
Price: $185.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: BRD-4381-050-U -

Calibration Element for Bird 4381/4391 Power Analyst MetersRequired in order to calibrate the Bird 4381 and 4391A Wattmeters.Calibration Instructions are in the Bird 4391A User Manual.

Bird 5A5001-1 Li-Ion Replacement Battery for 5000-XT Bird 5A5001-1 Battery
Price: $135.00
Availability: In Stock
Bird Electronic Item #: 6977 -

Bird replacement battery Li-Ion Special Order - 4-6 Weeks